Let There Exist Light Appearance Banner Designs

Permit In that location Exist Calorie-free Appearance Banner Designs


[This resource is also included in our 2017 Advent Bundle of resources]


This Advent, create beautiful sanctuary fine art to illuminate the themes of the season. These designs past Hannah Garrity feature light breaking into the world through the bursting forth of the cosmos and the birth of Christ. If you lot utilise them to create paper lace banners (see more below), light will quite literally break through the negative shapes you cut away. We hope these designs (and our instructional materials) tin can simply be a starting point for you lot to create fine art and beauty that is uniquely your own. Gather a grouping and create together, for the creative process is but every bit meaningful as the final result.

Download includes:

  • file to impress the designs every bit a 36"x48" coloring poster

  • horizontal files to projection and trace the designs into 2 96" x 26.5" banners

  • written instructions with iii options (summarized below) for bringing these designs to life in your congregation!

(Keep in mind: if you wish to create paper lace banners, you'll want to purchase photography studio backdrop paper HERE)

Creative Options (meet written instructions in download for more info):

Selection A.) Coloring Posters
Suitable for: Youth and adults of all ages
Level of time, planning, commitment: (1 of five stars)
Process: download and print 36"x48" posters of the designs at your local print shop. Invite members to color in the designs with markers, colored pencils, crayons, etc. (pssst...we printed these files at Staples equally black & white "applied science prints" for simply $7: http://world wide web.staples.com/sbd/content/copyandprint/engineering-prints.html )

Option B.) Painted Banners
Suitable for: Youth and adults of all ages
Level of time, planning, commitment: (3 of 5 stars)
Process: Follow written instructions & tutorial video to project and trace designs onto kraft paper or canvass to create two 96" x 26.v" banners. Invite members to pigment the designs using tempera or acrylic paint.

Option C.) Paper Lace Cut-Out Banners
Suitable for: older youth (with supervision) and adults
Level of time, planning, commitment: (five of v stars)
Process: Following the tutorial video below and written instructions included in download, project, trace, and cutting out designs on photography studio backdrop paper to create beautiful paper lace banners.
CLICK THIS LINK to purchase White Barbarous Seamless background paper that is at to the lowest degree 53" wide.

Artist Statement:

"Let there be light. The birth of the cosmos intersects with awaiting Jesus' nascence this Advent. Equally a team, we were specially drawn to the paradigm of light shining in the lectionary texts this season. Equally with every year, Jesus' impending nascency brings the light of promise to humanity. In the book of John, I imagine the poetic blend of the starting time of fourth dimension and the beginning of Jesus' tenure as a burst of light from the swirl of the creation. In this banner design, the biblical texts for the four Sundays of Advent are represented in 4 quadrants of the two banners. The upper left quadrant depicts the first Sunday of Appearance with patterns representing service, sorrow, lineage, and encompass intersecting with light rays shining along from a eye prototype of galactic move. The lower left portrays the second Lord's day of Appearance with images of sacred relationship, Holy Spirit, and baptism. For the 3rd Sunday of Advent, the upper right quadrant shows designs surrounding the ideas of paths becoming directly, praise and righteousness springing upward, and God crying for humanity. The fourth Sun of Advent is in the lower right quadrant; it incorporates patterns of angels, hands of God, and exaltation, all weaving among the rays of the light and hope that the newborn Jesus volition shine into the hearts of the earth."

—Hannah Garrity

Follow the steps outlined in the written instructions (included in download) and tutorial video below. Delight Note:This video says to create the banners 8.v' x 2.five'. Condone that information and follow the measurements in the written instructions. Look for a new tutorial video to be released in autumn of 2017.