What Does the Size Difference Mean Between Smalll Medium and Large Art Brushes

When I began painting I realized that there are a plethora of choices out at that place, so what watercolor brushes do I need exactly? It can be a confusing and expensive process to piece of work this out.  Apart from the consequence of size and shape, there is also hair type to consider. Should you throw money and caution to the air current and go for a super expensive Kolinsky sable? What near a synthetic hair castor? Will information technology do the task only every bit well?

  1. How To Choose Watercolor Brushes
  2. Watercolor Brush Types
    • Detail Castor: Usefulness Rating 2.five/ten
    • Fan Brush: Usefulness Rating iii/x
    • Rigger Brush: Usefulness Rating 5/10
    • Swordliner or Dagger Brush: Usefulness Rating 5.5/10
    • Hake Brush: Usefulness Rating 6/10
    • Chinese/Bamboo Brush: Usefulness Rating half dozen.5/10
    • Flat Brush: Usefulness Rating 8/x
    • Mop Brush: Usefulness Rating 8/10
    • Circular Castor: Usefulness Rating 10/10
  3. Synthetic Vs Natural Watercolour Brushes
  4. How Much Coin Should I Spend On Watercolor Brushes?
  5. Castor Sizes
  6. What Are The Essential Watercolor Brushes?
  7. How Can I Tell If a Watercolor Brush Is Any Skilful?
  8. Watercolor Brush Alternatives
    • Watercolor Pencils
    • Using Oil Painting Brushes With Watercolors
    • Brush Pens, Refillable and Non-Refillable
    • Toothbrush
    • Plastic Pocketbook
    • Spray Bottle
    • Sponges
    • Palette Knives
  9. Taking Care of Your Brushes

How To Cull Watercolor Brushes

When choosing watercolor brushes, the first question to ask yourself is what kind of painter are you, or want to be? Style and subject thing is big cistron determining brush choice. Practice you lot admire the works of artists that paint in wide impressionistic strokes or are y'all aiming for photo realism? Perchance you desire to include elements of both. A portrait painter may rely much more heavily upon a circular brush than, a loose landscape painter.

Equally a general rule, pocket-size pointy brushes tend to encourage a focus on particular and for this reason, I tend to avert them as I am trying to develop a freer looser way. The exception to that dominion is that I may add some small foreground details equally concluding touches at the very end of a painting. Whatever fashion of painting you prefer, you volition virtually certainly demand to paint large washes at some bespeak and for that y'all volition definitely need a larger brush e.one thousand a 3/four″ flat brush.

I take acquired many brushes over the years, I even have brushes that are shut to xl years old, I never throw them away because even a tatty or threadbare brush tin can have a use. Creating randomness in your textures for instance or adding spots of masking fluid. Masking fluid is a sure burn way to ruin a castor, so you don't want to utilize a expert one.

Watercolor Castor Types

Below, I've listed the main brushes that are used in watercolor painting. I've listed them in order of usefulness simply don't take that also literally as this does largely reflect my own personal preferences. So feel free to disagree and experiment. You may observe a brush very useful which I would never dream of using myself.

Detail Brush: Usefulness Rating ii.five/10

detail brush

Mainly used for painting tiny details. It is very like to a small round brush just with shorter hairs. I own one just rarely employ it.

My recommendation: Detail Paint Brushes Set From Amazon

Fan Brush: Usefulness Rating 3/10

Fan Brush mainly used for grass and texture effects
Mainly used for grass and texture furnishings

The fan brush is a bit of 1 trick pony to be honest but yet worth having in your arsenal. It's mainly used for painting grass and can also be good for creating tree foliage and other similar textural effects .

My Recommendation: da Vinci Watercolor Series 1385 VarioTip Fan Brush From Amazon.

Rigger Brush: Usefulness Rating v/10


Rigger brushes are used for painting very sparse lines. (Such as the rigging on ships, hence the name). Even if you're not into nautical art, Riggers are also actually useful for painting twigs and branches and any thin lines such equally power lines or blades of grass, fur etc.

My Recommendation: Winsor & Newton Cotman Water Color Series 333 Short Handle Constructed Rigger #1 From Amazon

Swordliner or Dagger Brush: Usefulness Rating 5.v/10


A Swordliner is so called because of it'southward long tapering sword like appearance. It produces a thin line like a Rigger simply it has the ability to produce much longer livelier strokes that taper beautifully from thick to thin. My Swordliner has largely replaced the Rigger for me. I love the way it facilitates the painting of loose natural looking tree branches and long swaying blades of grass. Like a Rigger, holding information technology by the handle tip and flicking information technology from the wrist works fashion better than trying to command it by gripping tightly near the ferrule.  But it takes a chip of confidence and practice to approach it in this fashion. The dagger castor is very similar to the Swordliner but as the name would advise, it is shorter and more… well, dagger like. The Dagger brush tin can exist used in a similar way to the Swordliner but is easier to control. It tin can be used for sketching equally well as producing thin lines and is bully for painting flower petals. I as well like to utilize it for painting distant pocket-sized figures.

My Recommendations: Princeton Creative person Castor, Constructed Bristle 6250Dg Dagger Striper and the Mack Pinstriping Brush Size 0 Fine From Amazon

Hake Brush: Usefulness Rating 6/ten

Hake Brush: Great for washes and cloudy skies
Great for washes and cloudy skies

Ron Ranson'southward book "Big Castor Watercolor" introduced me to the Hake when I was just getting started and I find it to exist a very useful brush, if a footling hard to command. The Hake is an oriental style brush, with a long flat wooden handle.  It is often fabricated from caprine animal hair. The Hake holds a lot of water, therefore, it'south great for washes and painting cloudy skies. I likewise use it a lot for painting foliage. This floppy haired brush tin be bent into different shapes, adding an element of randomness that's very useful for painting natural features. I don't dearest it quite as much as much every bit Ron did only information technology definitely has a permanent place in my brush collection and another great thing. They are cheap!

My Recommendation: Winsor & Newton Hake Broad Flat Forest Handle Castor-2 From Amazon.

Chinese/Bamboo Castor: Usefulness Rating vi.5/10

Bamboo Brush

I take a inexpensive Bamboo brush, which is fabricated from some unspecified natural hair. It toll me less than $5 and I love it and use it a lot. I frequently use it in combination with a hake on tree foliage, grass, rock textures, bawl textures and skies. Information technology's much more than controllable than a hake but doesn't hold anywhere near as much h2o which can exist a good affair or a bad affair depending upon the situation. Someone who paints in a very controlled tight style might not savor using this castor as much as I exercise, as information technology'southward not springy at all and doesn't retain a precipitous signal.

My Recommendation: Winsor & Newton No.vi Bamboo Brush From Amazon

Flat Castor: Usefulness Rating 8/10

Flat Brush great for crisp hard edges, washes, buildings and figures
Great for crisp hard edges, washes, buildings and figures

Flat brushes are perfect for painting all types of washes. The flat tip of the brush is likewise very useful for painting objects such as tree trunks, houses, boats and contend posts. I like to use a flat brush for nice crisp hard edges such as mountain ranges etc. I besides find that a small apartment castor works improve than a circular brush for painting figures.

My Recommendation: Mimik synthetic 3/4″ flat brush From Amazon

Mop Castor: Usefulness Rating 8/10

Mop Brush

A lovely fat castor, dandy for painting fast and loose. The ability of a mop brush to retain a large corporeality of water and class a good point makes it perfect for painting large washes and also for painting smaller details.

My Recommendation: Princeton Creative person Neptune, Watercolor Series 4750, Quill Constructed Squirrel, Size 4 From Amazon

Round Castor: Usefulness Rating x/ten

Round Brush: A very versatile brush. It can be used for painting washes, fine details and broad strokes
A very versatile brush. It can be used for painting washes, fine details and broad strokes

Every watercolor painter needs to accept a few expert circular brushes on hand, it is very versatile and probably the most commonly used brush in watercolor painting. It can be used for painting large wash areas and broad strokes. It should have the power to  grade a good point and enable you to apply it for finer detail if needed. It is corking for painting dry brush style leaf by dragging it on it's side.

My Recommendation: Da Vinci Brush, Circular Size 2 From Amazon

Synthetic Vs Natural Watercolour Brushes

Near watercolor artists will tell y'all that Kolinsky sable brushes are "The best of the best". Certainly they are the well-nigh expensive but what do they really mean by best? Kolinsky Sable is harvested from the winter tail of a rare male weasel only plant in the remote hinterlands of Siberia Yous couldn't brand this stuff up could you lot? Kolinsky hair is prized for it'south springiness and ability to form a abrupt indicate. The hair is difficult to obtain therefore, unsurprisingly it's very expensive. I have a couple of Winsor and Newton series 7 Kolinsky sable brushes and yep they are dainty to utilise. Still, I don't think that the difference in the painting experience or end upshot is annihilation similar the difference betwixt using a cheap wood pulp newspaper and a 100% cotton wool paper.

Ranking a flake below Kolinsky Sable, is Red sable. Springy but not quite as pointy. Other natural options are squirrel hair and goat pilus. These tend to be somewhat floppy and not so good for round brushes but do work well for Hake and Mop brushes.

Constructed fibre brushes concord a expert point simply tend not to retain equally much water. All things considered. A decent synthetic hair brush is fine for me and fine for 99.ix% of beginner painters. Synthetic fibres do vary considerably in quality though. Some other reasonably priced option is a natural/synthetic alloy.

How Much Money Should I Spend On Watercolor Brushes?

My advice to a budding watercolor creative person would exist to allocate your funds in the post-obit society of importance. Watercolor newspaper first then pigment, then consider castor quality last of all. That'due south non to say you should buy dollar shop brushes that you might give to a 4 year old. I would go for reasonable quality medium sized brushes in the $5 to $50 range.  I personally notice Cotman and Pro-Arte Prolene to be groovy synthetic brushes very reasonably priced. Escoda brushes likewise come highly recommended by many artists. Other skillful brands of castor are Raphael, Winsor & Newton, Da Vinci.

Brush Sizes

Brushes range in size from 0000 to 50. Yous tin't finer paint a big wash with a size 0000 castor and every bit y'all might expect larger brush = larger cost. Remember, the larger your canvas, the larger your castor needs to be.  Most artists tend to find a size of newspaper they are comfy working with and stay with that, at to the lowest degree for a while. Yous don't need to buy every brush type in every size.

What Are The Essential Watercolor Brushes?

For the bare minimum brush set that volition requite you the most utility for the to the lowest degree amount of money I would go for the following three types of castor.

A medium size round brush. i.e, a no.six to no.8.

A medium flat brush 0.5 inch to 1 inch.

A Wash brush of some kind. Perhaps a big squirrel hair mop brush or a Medium to large goat hair Hake. Mop brushes are lovely and expressive and are ideal for washes because they concur a large corporeality of water but tend to be expensive. Around $150 – $200 for the larger sizes but i should terminal you a lifetime. Hake brushes are very cheap, around $5 – $10 at most merely they do have a tendency to shed hair for quite a while until they're fully broken in. Avoid the really poor quality hakes that have the hairs sandwiched between pieces of cardboard.

How Can I Tell If a Watercolor Brush Is Whatsoever Good?

By and large speaking you lot tend to get what y'all pay for, where brushes are concerned but if you lot're going to go for cheaper brands, information technology tin can aid to know what to avoid. The best brushes are handmade. They have enough of pilus beneath the ferrule (Unfortunately, of course that's not going to be visible). The ferrule (The metal bit) volition be made of or plated with nickel or other non-rusting metal.  The hair is never cut at the elevation, always from the base.

It can be difficult to assess the quality of a watercolor brush just past looking at it in the store. A brush that has a beautiful pointed tip tin can turn into a clumpy mess the first time it's used. Once y'all've used information technology, of course, it'due south too late. Brand new brushes are normally dipped in gum arabic and shaped to a nice point before they get to the store.

Here are the tests I do. By the style I take no responsibleness for yous getting into problem with irate art shop owners for doing this! When I examine a castor, I gently bend the castor hairs and gyre them between my fingertips which removes a lot of the gum arabic, breaking it up into fine dust. And so I take a look a close await at how much the hairs spread out. If the hair fans out a pocket-sized amount evenly, that'southward o.k. but if it has a tendency to instantly split into divide clumps that's a big ruby-red flag, I'll just movement on to the side by side 1. Confession! Sorry if you think this is gross but If  it passes the first test and I tin can go away without being seen, I'll literally lick the hairs back into shape and see if it holds. If it instantly splays out again. Reject!. Like I said lamentable, but not sorry! To get to my nearest art supplies shop is a 160km circular trip. I don't want to get habitation and regret my castor option. It's surprising how much variation there tin can be in two supposedly identical brand new brushes.

Await for a ferrule that doesn't have a seam, as the seam will allow water to enter over time. The ferrule should be tightly crimped on to the handle. The handle should be varnished then that the wood doesn't swell and contract as information technology wets and dries.  Make sure the brush feels comfortable to concur.

Watercolor Brush Alternatives

Watercolor Pencils

Using Oil Painting Brushes With Watercolors

The stiff bristles of an oil painting brush such as a filbert can be used in watercolor to lift out areas of color. This can exist a useful technique at times but requires a sturdy cotton fiber newspaper in order to avoid dissentious the painting surface.

My Recommendation: Winsor & Newton Artists' Oil Brush – Filbert (Long Handle) – Size #two From Amazon.

Castor Pens, Refillable and Non-Refillable

Very similar to regular fibre tip pens but with a softer nylon tip and they work with watercolor paint. Some are pre-filled with paint other types allow yous to fill up with water or diluted paint and enable you to pen-like marks. These are very useful for plein-air sketching where you might not desire to carry a lot of water with you and also can be used for calligraphy.

My Recommendations: Pentel Arts Aquash Water Brush Assorted Tips, Pack of 3 and ARTEZA Real Brush Pens. From Amazon


This is isn't really an alternative to traditional brush simply an old toothbrush can exist used to create interesting spatter effects and granular textures such equally foreground sand and rock textures.

Plastic Bag

Dipping a scrunched up plastic pocketbook into paint and dabbing it on newspaper tin create great natural looking tree leafage and texture effects.

Spray Canteen

I notice a small misting spray bottle to be indispensible. Spraying h2o on to a drying flat wash can create interesting spatter and granular furnishings. I discover information technology particularly useful when painting skies to spray areas with clean h2o. This is a great way to create realistic looking clouds which tend to have a mixture of difficult and soft edges. I too use it to spray on to my paint pans and drying palette to reactivate old paint. This reduces the need to mash a wet castor into a blob of drying pigment, every bit that tends to ruin your brushes very quickly.

My Recommendation: Fantasea Fine Mist Spray Bottle. From Amazon


Sponges natural or bogus have been used past watercolor artists for years. They are frequently used to lift colour out of washes to create clouds.

My Recommendation: Natural Ocean Artist Sponges From Amazon

Palette Knives

Palette knives are traditionally used past oil painters only in that location is no reason why they cannot be used for watercolors too. Indeed many watercolor painters do use them. I use my palette pocketknife for scratching out thin lines and for creating texture effects.

My Recommendation: PEBEO 1002 Archetype Painting Pocketknife From Amazon.

Taking Care of Your Brushes

Afterward apply, I e'er clean my brushes past swirling them  in a big jam jar of fresh warm (Not hot) water.  I milk shake off the backlog h2o and I dry out them past gently rolling them on a soft fabric or soft paper towel making certain to become all the paint remainder out of the brush where the hair meets the ferrule as pigment can wick up within there and cause the hairs to splay out over time. I reshape the points of my round pointy brushes  and put them handle downwards in a large dry jar. Never store them upside downwardly on their bristles, equally they will dry aptitude out of shape and never actually come up right again.

If you need some help trying to select appropriate fine art supplies for your needs I've put together a list of my recommended art supplies . Which includes many of the brushes that I currently utilise myself.

That'south all for now. Happy Painting!

Watercolour brushes and what they are used for. A quick visual guide
watercolor brushes: Visual guide
watercolour brush essential guide. how to choose type and size of watercolor brushes. watercolour brush guide for beginners guide


Source: https://www.solvingwatercolour.com/what-watercolor-brushes-do-i-need/

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